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AstroNvim for the Power User

ยท 4 min read
James Y.

Some indespensible resources that I used to learn and configure my Neovim instance.

Project Rooterโ€‹

  • autochdir = true: Automatically cd into the detected root directory.
  • notify = true: Notify on cd.


If you plan on using the Fish shell (or any other shell different from the login shell), configure it here. It is generally recommended to keep the login shell to the default (trusty Bash) because some programs expect a POSIX-compliant login shell.

-- Change the default shell. Can be a string or a function returning a string
shell =,

Useful notes:

  • Quit toggleterm window by entering <C-d> into the terminal.
  • Use q to quit Lazygit (<leader>tl)


  • Enable GitHub Copilot
  • { import = "astrocommunity.completion.copilot-lua" }


Beginners Guide to Neovimโ€‹

Lua and Configurationsโ€‹


  • Reset file changes: :e!
  • Separate System and Vim Registers: <C-r>+
  • Navigate between jumps: <C-i> and <C-o>
  • Scrolling without cursor: <C-e> and <C-y>
  • Folding: za
  • Format JSON file: :%!jq '.'
  • Print full path of file: :echo expand('%:p')
  • Save without formatting: :noautocmd w or :noa w
  • Scrolloff setting: vim.opt.scrolloff = 8


  • Folding: C
  • Navigate to a different directory: :Neotree dir=..


  • Compare items (branches, commits, etc): <C-e>


"ManimCheckpointPaste", -- Command name
-- Ensure ToggleTerm is loaded
local ok, toggleterm = pcall(require, "toggleterm")
if not ok then
print "ToggleTerm not installed!"

-- Get the start and end positions from the visual selection
local start_line = vim.fn.line "'<" - 1 -- Start line of the visual selection (0-based)
local end_line = vim.fn.line "'>" - 1 -- End line of the visual selection (0-based)

-- Get the lines in the specified range
local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_text(0, start_line, 0, end_line, -1, {})

-- Concatenate lines to create the selected text
local selected_text = table.concat(lines, "\n")

-- Copy the selected text to the system clipboard
vim.fn.setreg("+", selected_text) -- Set the text to the `+` register (system clipboard)
vim.fn.setreg("*", selected_text) -- Set the text to the `*` register (primary clipboard on some systems)

-- Store the current window ID
local current_win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()

-- Send the text to ToggleTerm
local term = require("toggleterm.terminal").get(1) -- Get the first terminal, or replace with desired ID
if term then
-- Sending the copied text to the terminal
term:send "checkpoint_paste()"
print "No ToggleTerm terminal found!"

-- Restore focus to the original window

-- Ensure the editor is in normal mode
vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<Esc>", true, false, true), "n", false)
-- range = true, -- Enable range support
desc = "Copy highlighted text to clipboard and run `checkpoint_paste()` in ToggleTerm",

-- Map the function to a key in visual mode
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("v", "<leader>s", ":<C-U>ManimCheckpointPaste<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })



Remapping Caps Lock:Escโ€‹

Version Issuesโ€‹

  • At times, when facing weird, non-standard issues, it could be because some plugins are either missing, or do not support the Neovim version that you are running. During these trying times, :checkhealth is your biggest friend.
  • Ymmv, but the Snap (stable) version of Neovim has worked best for me.